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The Dog Days of Summer
How do you stay cool when the thermostat pushes around 100 degrees? When the temperatures are that hot John and I usually try to get...
Carriage House Farms
Aug 31, 20213 min read

The Swarm II! - The Sequel
If you happened to read last year's post about the swarm in our backyard (The Swarm! May 4, 2020) and our feeble attempt to capture it,...
Carriage House Farms
Jun 28, 20213 min read

It is May, and Spring is in full swing here in Missouri, with critters of all shapes and sizes emerging into the sunlight after toughing...
Carriage House Farms
May 28, 20214 min read

Baby Animals
Ah, Motherhood, that wonderful time of life, full of new beginnings. I think I now understand what being a new mommy feels like. The...
Carriage House Farms
Jul 31, 20207 min read

The Swarm!
Sounds scary doesn’t it? After all, what could be more frightening than a large, moving dark mass of loudly buzzing insects with barbed...
Carriage House Farms
May 4, 20206 min read

All’s Fair in Love and War
At long last, a break in the weather. For the last four weeks or so we have experienced rain, heavy winds and cold spells. This has...
Carriage House Farms
Apr 14, 20204 min read

What's All The Buzz?
Another of my all-consuming interests is honeybees. I am completely fascinated by these amazing and productive creatures, and if you have...
Carriage House Farms
Mar 17, 20202 min read
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